About Us
Quality news, where you want it, when you want it.
HQtest 旨在评估商品和服务的愈合特性和力量。缩写“HQ”是 金永夀 为英文术语 Healing Quotient 创造的,最初设计为个人自我修复能力的数字指标。 “HQTEST HEALING QUOTIENT TEST”是在美国、欧盟、英国、俄罗斯、韩国、中国、印度、澳大利亚、印度尼西亚、日本等世界许多国家受知识产权保护的注册商标。
HQ score
HQ 分数呈钟形曲线。钟的峰值代表 100 的平均分数。较低的分数表示在钟的左侧斜率上,而较高的分数表示在右侧。基本上,高 HQ 意味着产品的治愈能力高于同类产品中的大多数产品。 大多数商品和服务的 HQ 分数在 85 到 115 之间的钟形中间表示。116 或更高的分数被认为高于平均水平。 130 分或更高的分数表示高总部。总体而言,大约 99% 的商品和服务的分数低于 150。因此,150 分或更高的分数代表它位于前 1%。得分较高的前 1% 证明了超高的治疗能力。关于最高可能的 HQ,理论上,HQ 分数没有上限。必须有许多超高的总部。
HQtest is a measure of the healing properties and powers of goods and services. HQtest was invented by the Korean Journalist and Publisher Kim, Young Soo in 2015. Mr. Kim has developed and established the new engine and platform for the HQtest. The abbreviation “HQ” was coined the English term Healing Quotient which was initially designed as a numerical indicator of an individual’s self-healing abilities. “HQTEST HEALING QUOTIENT TEST” is a registered trademark protected by intellectual property rights in the USA, EU, GB, Russia, Korea, China, India, Australia, Indonesia, Japan, and many other countries in the World.
HQ score
HQ scores follow a bell curve. The peak of the bell represents the average score of 100. Lower scores are represented on the left slope of the bell while higher scores are represented on the right. Basically, a high HQ means that the healing power of a product is higher than that of most products in its peer group.
The HQ scores of the most goods and services are represented in the middle of the bell between 85 and 115. A score of 116 or more is considered above average. A score of 130 or higher signals a high HQ. Overall, about 99 percent of goods and services have a score below 150. Therefore, a score of 150 or higher represents that it is in the top 1 percent. The top 1 percent with a higher score proves super-high healing powers. Theoretically, there is no upper limit to an HQ score regarding the highest possible HQ. There must be a number of super-high HQs.
The reliability of HQtest Data
HQtest is highly reliable because we use a data-driven process leveraging digital analytics and user feedback to better understand our customers’ needs and provide them with a personalized online experience.
HQtest scores are driven by both qualitative and quantitative data, providing a reliable picture of products and services. While quantitative data is key to see if the goods and services are OK in general, qualitative data provides insights into whether the product suits the needs of our customers. It is because today’s customers are not just looking for a good product. In reality, they want the right one for them. To gather this data, we leverage various tools and technology, including analytics, customization, personalization, and others.
HQtest’s Optimizely Personalization can help our customers identify the right product with customized experiences that are tailored to meet their needs. Using tools such as Optimizely Personalization, we can leverage our data to deliver the right message to the right person at the right time along our customer journey.
Board Members

Chairman HQtest Committee
Chairman Korean Journalist Association
Daeseok Seong

President HQtest