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David K
尼亚加拉瀑布的观光游船之旅 Niagara Falls Boat Tour
雾中少女号(the Maid of the Mist)是尼亚加拉大瀑布(Niagara Falls)的观光游船之旅。HQtest score Top 10% The Maid of the Mist is a sightseeing boat tour of Niagara...
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Charles in Amsterdam
阿姆斯特丹 运河游船
Canal Cruises in Amsterdam, HQtest score 155 沿着阿姆斯特丹的运河漂浮是探索城市景点和名胜最难忘的方式之一。无论您是第一次还是常客,从船上看阿姆斯特丹的一切似乎都更加神奇。 阿姆斯特丹的历史充满了关于水的故事。几个世纪以来,它的1...
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Wang in China
泉州 Quanzhou, the city of Harmony and Peace, HQtest score Top 1%
Chinese's Quanzhou, Unesco's World Heritage Located on the south-east coast of China, the city of Quanzhou was one of the most important...
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福建 土楼 Awesome Place to visit HQtest score Top 1%
Amazing Art of Work, Tulou A tulou or "earthen building", is a traditional communal Hakka people residence found in Fujian, in South...
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Wang in China
鼓浪岛 Healing paradise HQtest score Top 1% in China
Gulangyu Island is a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site. The Gulangyu, Gulang Island is a pedestrian-only island off the coast of...
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